Pillow Plugin

For using it as a Pillow plugin, refer to Pillow’s documentation: Pillow Tutorial and to examples started with pillow_.

Here are described only some differences and peculiarities.

Registering plugin

There are two ways to register it as a plugin, here are both of them:


from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
from pillow_heif import HeifImagePlugin

with Image.open("image.heic") as im:


from PIL import Image
from pillow_heif import register_heif_opener

with Image.open("image.heic") as im:

AVIF plugin

AVIF plugin can be registered the same way as HEIF:

from pillow_heif import register_avif_opener


AVIF plugin should support all operations and work the same way as HEIF plugin do.

Tips & Tricks

If you do not need HEIF thumbnails functionality, then it is a good idea to disable them during plugin registration:


Remember, then you can pass multiply config values to register_heif_opener() at once:

register_heif_opener(thumbnails=False, quality=-1)


register_avif_opener() works in the same way.

Image Modes

Currently all images are opened in RGB or RGBA 8 bit modes. There is a restriction in libheif that we cant check before decoding if an image is monochrome or not.

See Modes for a list of supported modes for saving.


Available metadata are stored in info dictionary as in other Pillow plugins.

It is the same as in HeifImage class.

During saving operation all known metadata in info dictionary are saved. So it can be edited in place.

Removing EXIF and XMP information inside info dictionary:

image = Image.open(Path("test.heic"))
image.info["exif"] = None
image.info["xmp"] = None

Removing EXIF and XMP specifying them when calling save:

image = Image.open(Path("test.heic"))
image.save("output.heic", exif=None, xmp=None)

Limitations of second code variant is that when file has multiply images inside, setting exif or xmp during save affects only Primary(Main) image and not all images.

To edit metadata of all images in a file just iterate throw all images and change metadata in place.

Here are two ways as an example:

Edit info["exif"] field of each copy of image:

heic_pillow = Image.open(Path("test.heic"))
output_wo_exif = []
for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(heic_pillow):
    copied_frame = frame.copy()
    copied_frame.info["exif"] = None
empty_pillow = Image.new("P", (0, 0))
empty_pillow.save("no_exif.heic", save_all=True, append_images=output_wo_exif)

Or editing info["exif"] in place:

heic_pillow = Image.open(Path("test.heic"))
for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(heic_pillow):
    frame.info["exif"] = None
heic_pillow.save("no_exif.heic", save_all=True)

Save operation

For HEIF next extensions are registered: .heic, .heics, .heif, .heifs and .hif

For AVIF registered extensions are: .avif

Also images can be saved to memory, using format parameter:

output_buffer = BytesIO()
with Image.open("image.heic") as im:
    im.save(output_buffer, format="HEIF")

See here Save parameters for additional information.

Changing order of images

There is no such easy way to change order as for HeifFile usage, but the standard Pillow way to do so looks fine. Let’s create image where second image will be primary:

img1 = Image.open(Path("images/jpeg_gif_png/1.png"))
img2 = Image.open(Path("images/jpeg_gif_png/2.png"))
img3 = Image.open(Path("images/jpeg_gif_png/3.png"))
img1.save("1_2P_3.heic", append_images=[img2, img3], save_all=True, primary_index=1, quality=-1)

Now as example lets change primary image in a HEIC file:

img1 = Image.open(Path("1_2P_3.heic"))
img1.save("1_2_3P.heic", save_all=True, primary_index=-1, quality=-1)


As a primary field are in info dictionary, you can change it in a place like with metadata before.

And here is an example how we can change order of images in container:

src_img = Image.open(Path("1_2_3P.heic"))
img3 = ImageSequence.Iterator(src_img)[2].copy()
img2 = ImageSequence.Iterator(src_img)[1].copy()
img1 = ImageSequence.Iterator(src_img)[0].copy()
img3.save("3P_1_2.heic", save_all=True, append_images=[img1, img2], quality=-1)